We gots our very speshul yellow May delivery today!
We needed some nice happy stuff for Mom, too, on account of Colby was a not so very good kitteh this weekend and brokeded one of the keys off of Mom's laptop.
And then Dad found out we peed in his suitcase so he would remember us when he was gone next time, and he was not happy AT ALL 'bout that.
oh goodie ...meow...mes is glad that yer mummy is not still mad and that her happy gifts made her purr back at cha...meow....
Miz Allie Cat is using mummy's email...meow...
Thanks for the share. Looks like you got plenty of great treats and other gifts. Now, dad can have your scent whenever he goes on a trip again. Hope you have lots of fun with your new stuff. Have a wonderful weekend.
World of Animals
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