Hello and welcome to the best meow cat swap place in blogland. Sign -up now for Miz Allie Cat's monthly "Swap n' Tails"and make some purrfectly wonderful feline friends!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

March Swap - Thank you!!!

Hi! I got my great swap package yesterday but mommy made me wait until today to open it since I didn't really get new toys for Easter. Luckily, Samantha and Tigger got me great stuff!! I appreciate Miz Allie Cat forwarding it to me too. Puuurrrrrrrss.

I even bunnykicked the envelope I was so excited!!!

A note from Samantha and Mr. Tigger!

The mouse on wheels ran me all over the place. My beans laffed and laffed.

The squeaky butterfly gets me all excited. Daddy tied it to a string and drug it behind him. I stalked it like crazy.

There haven't been lotsa pictures taken in the house lately cause mommy is so laz...tired from the upcoming blurpy, but hopefully you'll enjoy these.

Oh, mommy loves the stickers and notecards too. Not that that is as important as my stuff of course...Thank you very much Samantha & Mr. Tigger!!!!!!!!!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You look as though you had a great time, so glad you got a lovely package. Enjoy.

Hugs GJ xx

The Island Cats said...

Cool stuff there, Hendrix!

The Creek Cats said...

Great stuff!! Swap N Tails is so fun! We can't wait to participate again!

Miz Allie Cat said...

glad you got the package ok...no problem, it happens to my mummy sometimes toooo...meow...it looked like lots of purr-fectly meow fun!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

So glad you got the package Mr. Hendrix!! We are glad you liked all the toys!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick

World of Animals, Inc. said...

What a wonderful gift you got from Samantha & Mr. Tigger. We wish we could have seen you give it a bunny kick. It's always great to get new toys. That butterfly game must be a fun game to play with daddy. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
World of Animals