Hello and welcome to the best meow cat swap place in blogland. Sign -up now for Miz Allie Cat's monthly "Swap n' Tails"and make some purrfectly wonderful feline friends!
So sorry we took so long to post! Thanks for the cool stuff Mr. Hendrix and Mr. Bendix!! We loved the food and Mom loved the magnet and writing pads! Your FL furiends,
Sorry to take so long in posting these! But last week we got our super Swap 'n Tails from Cathych, boy does she know how to put together a package of fun! And thanks to Miz Allie Cat for setting up the Swap n' Tails (it's super fun).
Thank you so much for your nice package, I got it over the weekend but could not post because my power was out due to Hannah! My cats love cat treats, so this was a welcome "treat" package for them!!!
Let's sign up for Sept...Miz Allie Cat is late...Meow....so sign up here if you want to start swapping this month and we will assign out partners next week...